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Babble Streams - Telco

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2022-12-31 13:00:00

Here’s everything you need to know about the spectrum, millimeter-wave technology, and what 5G means for you.

2022-08-11 10:25:01

Lily Hay Newman / Wired: Researchers bought 5G IoT plans from 10 carriers and found security flaws exposing private SIM card data and, in some cases, large streams of other users' data  &mda...

2021-05-18 16:55:00

Three years after acquiring Time Warner, the wireless carrier is shedding its media business to prioritize fiber and 5G.

2019-04-12 21:27:47

President Trump says the US "must win" the race to 5G. But a plan outlined by FCC Chair Ajit Pai is a modest expansion of existing programs.

2019-04-10 13:00:00

Finding a 5G signal in Verizon’s launch areas in Chicago proved difficult for reviewers from the Verge and CNET.

2019-02-22 00:44:48

As wireless carriers begin to introduce 5G technology, Trump says he wants 6G. Researchers are working on it, but say any such standard is a decade away, or more.

2019-02-20 22:04:32

Here’s what it means when your phone says it’s using 4G, LTE, or even 5GE technology, or why you can’t make a call when you have five bars.

2019-02-06 04:12:53

Aides trumpet commitment to 5G wireless, AI, and quantum computing, but they go unmentioned in State of the Union.

2018-12-18 23:16:03

The new 5G+ service won't be as fast as the emerging network can be, and will only be available in limited areas.

2018-12-13 11:00:00

Here's everything you'll ever want to know about the spectrum, millimeter wave technology, and on why 5G could give China an edge in the AI race.

2024-12-21 10:45:00

Paresh Dave / Wired: Google says it wouldn't force its device makers, browser, and wireless carrier licensees to distribute Gemini to US users for three years, in a proposed remedy  —&...

2023-10-15 00:20:01

Simon Hill / Wired: Hands-on with Wi-Charge's wireless charging system that delivers power of up to 2 or 3 watts but requires a line of sight between transmitter and receiver  —  ...

2021-05-18 16:55:00

Three years after acquiring Time Warner, the wireless carrier is shedding its media business to prioritize fiber and 5G.

2020-11-23 12:00:00

Amazon and Microsoft have hired lobbyists. So too have airlines, retailers, wireless carriers, and cruise operators.

2020-11-05 12:00:00

Manufacturing, mining, and delivery firms, among others, are exploring building their own high-speed wireless networks with the new standard.

2020-10-14 18:04:15

The faster wireless standard uses different chunks of the radio spectrum—but the technology remains nascent.

2020-09-06 17:20:25

Steven Levy / Wired: Qualcomm founder Irwin Jacobs on the “Holy Wars of Wireless” and why there is no US equivalent to Huawei that is pioneering next gen wireless infrastructure ...

2020-09-04 13:00:00

Plus: Wireless at the turn of the century, a highly anticipated question, and a surprise in the stratosphere.

2020-08-13 12:00:00

A top Trump adviser outlines a blueprint for experimenting with wireless tech on bases and using software to counter China's lead in hardware.

2020-08-10 23:32:13

The Pentagon will share part of the wireless spectrum, allowing telecom carriers to reach more areas with fewer cell towers.

2020-02-13 00:03:13

The wireless industry showcase becomes the latest tech casualty of the global health emergency. 

2019-08-20 13:44:22

A study by Northeastern University researchers found that major wireless carriers sometimes limit video to DVD-quality, even on some “unlimited” plans.

2019-02-22 00:44:48

As wireless carriers begin to introduce 5G technology, Trump says he wants 6G. Researchers are working on it, but say any such standard is a decade away, or more.

2019-02-09 00:18:57

A Sprint lawsuit against AT&T reveals confusion over the newest wireless standards.

2019-02-06 04:12:53

Aides trumpet commitment to 5G wireless, AI, and quantum computing, but they go unmentioned in State of the Union.

2018-08-09 12:00:00

The wireless mic systems used by countless schools, churches, theaters, and other venues, are about to become obsolete, all because the telecom companies muscled in.
